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Stainless Steel Litter Box with Lid, SUS304 Metal Cat Litter Box, Enclosed Extra Large Kitty Litter Box High Wall, Jumbo Cat Litter Box with Triple Pedal, Non-Sticky, Anti-Leakage (XL Purple)

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$89.99 /$145.60

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True SUS304 Stainless Steel Litter Box: BEST JAJA has been specializing in pet products for a long time. After our market test, the 201/FAKE 304 stainless steel cat litter box from other brands is the main product. However, after half year of use, it easily rusts, molds, develops odors, and has a sticky bottom. We upgraded our covered cat litter box with a more high standard and expensive 304 stainless steel material to address these issues and extend its lifespan to 10 years, making it your best partner.

Unique Patented Triple Filter Pedal Design: Other stainless steel litter boxes have only a simple filter pedal, which spread litter all over the home easliy for cats. BEST JAJA stainless steel cat litter box with lid has an upgraded filter pedal design on the top entrance, front steps and foot pedal. All features minimize litter traces as much as possible from cats. The thoughtful details not only make your home cleaner and healthier, but it also save you time and efforts in cleaning up.

For Cats Weighing 1-30 LBS: The XL extra large cat litter boxes for big cats, measuring 23.8" X 16.2" X 15.8" with a 65 L (17.2 Gallons) capacity, is ideal for all cats weighing 1-30 lbs. Its large space prevents multi-cat fights. The 6'' deep cat litter pan holds up to 38 L (10 Gallons) of litter, sufficient for up to 30 days, allowing worry-free, infrequent litter changes.

Say Goodbye to Stains and Odors: Get rid of odor from cat litter with the BEST JAJA high sided litter box. Its high-wall and enclosed designs ensure an odor-free, easy-to-clean environment. The upgraded 304 litter box stainless steel with a non-stick surface prevents stains and odors, providing a fresh environment year-round with minimal effort.

Say Goodbye to Urine Spills and Dog Interruptions: Our enclosed cat litter boxes design ensures a mess-free area, keeping your floor clean and dry. The multi-functional front or top panel caters to cat's preferences. The front door and pedal are ideal for short-legged or elderly cats. High-wall and front door designs provide privacy and deter dogs from accessing the area.

3-Way Adjustable Metal Litter Box: Worried your cat won't use our top entry litter box? No need to worry! Investing this one adjustable metal litter box, getting 3-various-functions large kitty litter box, offers the perfect choice for cats of all ages. It features a stainless steel base, an enclosure, a top cover, and a front panel. Your cat enjoys security and easy access. Simply adjust by removing the lid or enclosure to suit your cat's preferences.

Service Life for 10 Year, 20 Year Warr-anty: Unlike other brands, our upgraded 304 xl stainless steel litter box is highly durable. BEST JAJA offers an industry-leading 20 year warr-anty covering defects and logistics dents, etc. With our efficient and friendly 24hr support team. For any questions, email us at KittyCatHelp@outlook com, and we will do our best to help you.

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